How to Find an Architect

Finding an architect will come from one of many sources. Friends or families that have already used an architect and had a great experience will be a good reference.  You may even find a recommendation from a contractor.  Others will search the internet by geographic proximity to their build site.  Some architects do more civic or commercial.  Obviously if that’s all they do, then probably move on.  However, if they have at least some residential or similar projects that you are looking for don’t rule them out.  There’s often a lot more commercial and civic work out there for architects than residential or cabins (and it probably helps pay the bills).  Review their portfolios.   Do you get a good vibe?  If so set up an interview and walk them through what you are trying to accomplish. 

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What to ask during the interview?

  • Ask them to review some of their prior projects.
  • Does their scope seem in line with your vision?
  • Will they do a site visit?
  • Ask about the process, how often do you meet?
  • Will the principle be doing all the work or will the junior staff be on board?
  • Inquire about fee schedules. This can vary but is typically 8-15% of total project budget.  
  • Do they seem interested and engaged. Remember this should be a fun process. You will be hanging out with your architect a fair amount.

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