Finding the Perfect Place to Build

Spending some time on the property will allow you to better understand where you may want to place your house.  We knew being off the road was important.  However, thinking about cost of infrastructure is also important.   The longer the drive the more money it will be for excavation. Cost of excavation includes removing trees, moving dirt, placing culverts and hauling in gravel.  If you are using electric there’s cost in the electrical conduit and also a charge from the electric company for the line.  Our electric company charges for anything over 300 ft. 

Beyond cost you want to have a spectacular view.  Visiting the site during different times of the day is helpful to visualize the rising and setting sun.  Remember a southern exposure is ideal for natural light.  As mentioned in previous posts visiting your land during all seasons will give you an idea of what the view will be year round.  

After several visits to the property we discovered a site about 700 ft in.  It was slightly sloping down a hillside that allowed for a spectacular view.   The topography created a a few connected ravines.  It was surrounded by tall mature hardwood trees.  It was far enough from the road that we would be hidden even during the Winter.  Once we decided it was ideal, we thought the best way to find out was to camp on the discovered site.

First camp on the potential site in March.   Really great time to see the topography with no foliage.  (picture doesn’t do the topography justice—tent is on a hillside)

One month later some leaves are coming in.

One month later and leaves are in full effect.

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